From the invitation to the 33rd meeting:
– George Schiller will give a presentation, based on 12 volumes of memoirs written by his grandfather Adolf Schiller: “Судьба семьи Шиллеров за 30 мин (первый московский дом с лифтом, выброшенные рояли, из драгунов в священники, пятеро выживших детей из двенадцати)”
– 100 years ago in August 1918 one of the biggest uprisings against the Bolsheviks started in Izhevsk and Votkinsk, where the weapon production factories of the Russian Empire were located. A presentation “Ижевцы и Воткинцы в Сан-Франциско (к 100-летию Ижевско-Воткинского восстания)”, based on our Museum’s collection will be given by Lada Tremsina.
Published in “Russian Life”,
Newspaper, February 23, 2019 RL 2019.02.23.