5th Meeting of the Friends of the Museum of Russian Culture, June 5, 2010


Museum President N. Koretsky enlightened the audience about the intricacies of scanning archival materials. The group of experts for scanning consists of N. Koretsky and N. & I. Dragomiretzky.

I. Dragomiretzky demonstrated some valuable acquisitions which were meant to be transferred to the Museum archive. Sorting and analysis of archival funds has enriched existing collections. For example, the collection of civil engineer and architect V. A. Planson was enlarged by his design of a building in Vladivostok and the student visa of his daughter, which helped to define the time of V. A. Planson’s arrival in San Francisco.

Y. Franquien informed audience about additions to the collection of the artist P. F. Tchelitchew.

Z. Gradova attracted attention of the public to the creative works of the writer and talented artist A. Gefter.

Y. Franquien managed to identify several personalities next to Admiral G. K. Stark on a group photograph of former officers of the Siberian Flotilla, taken in the Philippines.

The full version of this article appeared in “Russian Life”,
Newspaper, September 25th, 2010, #14079 (tel. 415-921-5380)